Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You Get so Alone At Times That It just Makes Sense.

What the fuck.

You know when you have "one of those days" that turn into "one of those weeks", that in turn, turn into one of those " the next cockhead that even looks at me funny is going to get a slap in the teeth" kind of months? That, is what i have been enduring over the last,oh, i dunno, 3 or so weeks. When I haven't been working , I have been doing my darndest to avoid people at any cost. I am surrounded by clueless members of the general public 9 hours a day (I get paid for it, mind). The last thing i want to do is surround myself with people i really could not give 2 fucks about, for free. Every second week i buy 2 cases of beer, and i quite like enjoying said beer, alone, in a dark room away from people that take, but rarely give.

Here's a list of things i need to get off my chest that have fucked me off over the last couple weeks/months/however long, so sit there, shut the fuck up, and read them. Or don't. I don't want your sympathy, in fact i don't want anything anyone of you can give me.

This list is in no particular order:

1. Smelly fat fucking guy with mega shitty faded Twisted Sister tattoo, who clearly does not know that we are in the 21st Century, and that a product called "Deodorant" has been invented.

2. Female mentality:"Hey thanks for your number, maybe we can go out one night?" "What's that? No?" Why the fuck did you even give me your number in the first place. Lie to me, tell me you are a lesbian or have some weird incurable disease.Tell me you have a boyfriend, or that you just aren't that into me. a simple "No" What the fuck is that?

3. Xbox getting the Red Ring Of Death.. All my games. Gone.Every level i successfully passed or every game i completed in it's entirety, gone, just like that.

4. Brand new Ipod dying. Days of uploading music down the drain, only for me to get a replacement Ipod and start again. No, I don't have an external hard-drive, but thanks for the suggestion.

5. Book shops never having what you want.

6. Arsenal Football Club, and the fact they manage to bottle it whenever they have a chance at winning a trophy.

7. Scene kids. I don't really care to what "scene" they belong, but they can all get fucked. In fact, those Indie type's really fuck me off. You know the ones who wear leather shoes with those tight fucking faggy jean short cut-offs. Funnily enough they almost always have some trophy girlfriend. Looking like a complete fucking douche must attract the ladies, that's where i'm going wrong. Them and their girlfriends can eat a bag of dicks.

8. Trade paperbacks taking so long to come out after the hardcover edition. Goddammit man, paper backs are so much easier to read.

9. Garth Ennis not writing Punisher anymore.

10. The fact that Ryan Reynolds is portraying my favourite comic book character, ever.

11. That motherfucking dog up the road that barks every morning at around 1.30. I am going to get you one day my furry little friend.

12. Jean Claude Van Damme being better than me, in general.

I'm sure there's more, but i'm too fucked off at the moment. Besides, there is beer to be ingested and I just got a copy of the new Meth, Ghost & Rae album so that needs a spin.

Until next time, eat shit.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know that dude... And I really like that post :)

